Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chickens in the loop

Right now my Buff Orpington chickens are molting and looking terrible. So no eggs
or very few.
Molting is a seasonal feather dropping that all chickens do at least once a year.
I have young Australorps , a black Buff cross , and brown Danish Leghorns
that should be laying by the end of the year. But November and December  are not good egg months
here on the Hamakua Coast.

Chickens are a profitable loop in Aquaponic systems because they eat all the
vegetable and fish trimmings !
We built a little shed close to the  fish tanks and ran water to it and put in a big a sink .
All fish and vegetables get cleaned there before coming in the house. All fish and
vegetable waste goes to the chickens.  All kitchen garbage also goes to the chickens.
Pretty good system , trading garbage for eggs and the occasional chicken dinner.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Growing

The Aquaponic system is slowing down a little with the shorter fall days.
Things take a little longer to grow now. The beans and  peas and lettuce all love the
cooler weather however.

Surprisingly enough I have Heirloom tomatoes that are bearing.
 Another week and I should have some ripe tomatoes.

Anyone who is interested in a class or buying a system should email
me at the above address.