Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Aquaponics Book

If you are out there thinking about building your own aquaponics  system
you might like to buy this book from me.  It includes detailed professional blueprints
and directions to build your own Microaquaponic system. (My system has
two 100 gallon fish tanks and two 8x4 foot plant troughs. ) The book gives you
all the set up and grow information , materials list, fish and plant information and lots more.

Materials for  this system run anywhere
from $1000 to $1500 depending on where you live. Here in Hawaii materials
are  more expensive than on the mainland US.

The book by Friendly Aquaponics "Outdoor Micro Systems Do It Yourself Manual "
is $100.  Email me  for more information   :

Or go visit the writers , my friends,  at friendlyaquaponics.com . They have a huge
aquaponic system .

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Starting Plants from Cuttings

A plant sprouting holding table is necessary in an aquaponic system.
I have a long narrow table that is shaped like a rectangular baking pan.
Net pots filled with planting medium (coconut fiber and vermiculite)
set in the pan after the seeds are inserted. Water flows through this pan,
then out the drain at one end. Seeds sprout here in the sun and wait to be inserted into the
aquaponic system. Germination may occur in days or weeks , depending on the type
of seed and the weather.

There are shortcuts  in aquaponic system planting. As a beginner this is a good one to try:

Take an 8 or 10 inch  cutting from the top of your favorite tomato plant.
Insert it into an empty net pot until it goes at least an inch through the bottom  of the pot.
Fill in the net pot around the cutting with coconut mix  planting medium.
Cut all but the top two or three leaves from the cutting.
Insert net pot in the aquaponic system and STAND back.
You are about to have an incredible growing experience.