Saturday, February 1, 2014


Taro is a root crop grown mostly in the tropics.
The root is a starch that is eaten by many Polynesians .
The leaves are also eaten when properly cooked.

I planted a few in my aquaponic system and have had fairly good luck
growing them. I used 1 gallon food grade buckets for net pots.
Drilled lots of holes in the buckets before putting coconut fiber planting material
in  them, then I cut big holes in the  floats so the buckets fit.

Once everything was wet the buckets were sitting on the bottom of the system resting on the food grade expensive liner.
Not a good situation !
Solution was :
Put small chunks of float material under the buckets and all
seemed to be well.

Three months later and the Taro are growing  much faster than they did
in the garden.