Saturday, October 19, 2013

Aphids in Your System

What to do when aphids invade ?  Screaming and cussing help you
feel better but you need something else to kill off the aphids without
killing off your fish.

A good beginning attack would be to make a tea with garlic cloves and chili peppers .
This needs to be sprayed on your vegetables several times a week.

To make the tea crush a whole bulb of garlic to a real mush. Do the same
with a handful of hot chili peppers. You  need to wear rubber gloves and eye
goggles when handling the chili peppers. I once got chili pepper
in my eye and thought I was going to die. (The cure for chili pepper in the eye
is cold milk in the eye…..lots of it.)

Add  two gallons of water to  the garlic and chili pepper mush.
Let it set in the sun for several days. Strain and spray on your plants.
Again, protect your hands and eyes.
Spray on your vegetables 3  or 4 times a week.

Wash your vegetables before eating.

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